How to Disable the Gutenberg WordPress Editor without a plugin.
There are a lot of WordPress user out there simply not ready for the new (December 2018) Gutenberg editor which is now default editor since WordPress 5.0.
Don’t get me wrong with these, we are all excited about it and in the long term it could have a lot of positive impact but for now and personally it didn’t work for me or I’m not ready yet. I’m sure whoever is using page builders -most commonly Elementor, WpBakery- for their WordPress websites they are not comfortable with Gutenberg editor also. Some page builders has build-in “Disable Gutenberg Editor” option but some are not.
So today’s Tips & Tricks topic is about disable Gutenberg editor with no-plugin. As we all know as WordPress user it may get slower as many as plugin you install. So the solution actually is very easy and if you are reading this now it doesn’t require any coding skills.
Now here is the answer for your search to how to disable Gutenberg editor in WordPress.
Just copy this 1 line of code and paste it at the end of your theme’s function.php file.
add_filter('use_block_editor_for_post', '__return_false', 10);
Yeap. You read it right, just this and you are ready to go.
As you see the below screenshot from my function.php file. i just added this 1 line at the end of it. My preferred way is to use FTP client like FileZilla to upload the file back it’s place. But you can basically go to Apperaence > Theme Editor > Locate your function.php file from the right pane. Most likely you will see it titled as “Theme Functios (funtion.php)”
There are other options with plugins out there if its more convenient for you you can still give a try these 3 plugins below.
1 – Install the Classic Editor WordPress Plugin
2 – Install the Disable Gutenberg WordPress Plugin
3 – Disable Gutenberg Editor with Code
If you reach to read at this point I hope it helped you, if you like to share it please feel free to do so.
Thanks and bye for now.
See you in next Tips & Tricks